
Top Five Feng Shui Tips for Home

Feng Shui offers practical, useful suggestions for creating an inspiring, safe and inviting home. It adapts philosophy that is centuries old into today’s modern world. To help you get started with good Feng Shui in your home, here are some helpful steps for beginners.

(Color Scheme Defining Personal Style)

1)      Welcome positivity to your doorstep:

The entryway is called “The Mouth of Chi” in Feng Shui, the point at which the house receives energy. This is where all your opportunities come in. Make it enticing! A pretty doormat, colorful pots of flowers at the sides of the door should do the trick. This is the first impression others will get of you.

2)      Furniture that comes in the way should be shown the way out:

Anything that you bump your head on or bang your shin against is unsafe. Furniture with sharp edges should be replaced with round edges. You don’t want to send the message to your brain that the place you live in is unsafe.

3)      Clear the clutter:

Feng Shui advocates that we are energetically connected to everything we own. Learn to downsize. Clearing clutter is a time consuming process but once done, it will feel like an unnecessary load has been shed off you.

4)      Update your colour scheme to reflect your personal style:
It is very important to understand how you respond to certain colours. Surround yourself with those ones which you respond positively to. Empowering your life with colours should be your home mantra.

5)      Nature never goes out of style:

Nature realigns our energy and makes us feel whole. Therefore, throw open your doors to plants and pets!

Nothing is static in the world of energy, so be wise and keep your home healthy and happy.